If you, like me, create lots and lots of websites almost every day you probably noticed that a lot of the things you do are repetitive.
I have a lot of rules that almost all my websites follow.
- I name the pool, the site and the folder the same (like site.domain.com)
- I always add a binding following the pattern 17000 + site id, so a site with site id 13 has a binding for localhost:17013
- I set idle time-out to 0
- I add a scheduled recycle at 02:00 (for load balanced environments att set it at 03:00 for the other node)
- I always create a scheduled job to take care of log rotation
To avoid making misstakes, and to make sure it gets done the same way every time, i use this Powershell. It’s not perfect, but it works for me, and it does exactly what i need it to.
In the end of the script, where the scheduled job is created, i use a little application called LogRotate which i may publish on the internet. In the mean time, you can use it as a way to add a scheduled task.
Maybe it will work for you as well, or maybe you can pick the parts you need. Enjoy!
# # PowerShell Script used to create new websites. Requires Eleveted PowerShell Console! # This script: # - Creates a new Applicatiopn Pool with our preferred settings # - Creates a new website using that pool # - Create a scheduled job to manage logfiles # # Make sure to edit these parameters before you run the script: # - $AppPoolName Sets the name of AppPool and WebSite # - $AppPoolIdentityName and $AppPoolIdentityPwd to set the identity # - $SiteDirectory is the base path to the folder holding websites # ######################### # Import modules needed # ######################### Import-Module WebAdministration ###################### # Set all parameters # ###################### #AppPool parameters $AppPoolName = "Test.Domain.Com" #Name of ApplicationPool $AppPoolDotNetVersion = "v4.0" #.NET version for pool $UseAppPoolIdentity = 0 #Set to 1 to user app-pool identity instead of domain account $AppPoolIdentityName = "domain\sysAccount" #Identity to execute pool $AppPoolIdentityPwd = "P@ssw0rd" #Identity password $AppPoolRecycleTime = "02:00" #Default time is 02:00, on load balanced environments, set first host to 02:00 and second to 03:00 #WebSite parameters $SiteName = $AppPoolName #WebSite name, by default the same as name of pool $SiteDirectory = "C:\WebSite\WebSite\Sites\" #Base folder, where the site should be created. Site folder is created automatically ########################### # Create application pool # ########################### #Create Pool and store it in $AppPool New-WebAppPool ñName $AppPoolName $AppPool = Get-Item IIS:\AppPools\$($AppPoolName) #Stop AppPool $AppPool | Stop-WebAppPool #Set additional properties #Set AppPool Identity and password if($UseAppPoolIdentity -eq 0) { $AppPool.ProcessModel.identityType = 3 $AppPool.ProcessModel.Username = $AppPoolIdentityName $AppPool.ProcessModel.Password = $AppPoolIdentityPwd } #Set idle time-out to zero $AppPool.ProcessModel.IdleTimeout = "0" #Set desired .NET version $AppPool.ManagedRuntimeVersion = $AppPoolDotNetVersion #Set periodic recycle schedule Set-ItemProperty -Path IIS:\AppPools\$($AppPoolName) -Name Recycling.periodicRestart.schedule -Value @{value=$AppPoolRecycleTime} #Save and start AppPool $AppPool | Set-Item $AppPool | Start-WebAppPool #Clear periodic restart time (defaults to 1740 minutes) Set-ItemProperty -Path IIS:\AppPools\$($AppPoolName) -Name Recycling.periodicRestart.time -Value "00:00:00" ################## # Create website # ################## #Create Website Directory New-Item -ItemType directory -Path "$($SiteDirectory)$($SiteName)" #Create Website and set default binding New-Website -Name $SiteName -PhysicalPath "$($SiteDirectory)$($SiteName)" -ApplicationPool $AppPoolName -Port "170$($WebSite.id)" -HostHeader "" -IPAddress "*" #Get the newly created website and store it in $WebSite $WebSite = Get-Item IIS:\Sites\$($SiteName) #Set additional binding based on AppPool name New-WebBinding -Name $SiteName -IPAddress "*" -Port 80 -HostHeader $AppPoolName.ToLower() #Start Website $WebSite | Start-WebSite ###################################### # Create scheduled job for LogRotate # # This only works on Win2012 # ###################################### #Scheduled task, LogRotate #Theese values shouldn't be neccesarry to edit. #Make sure LogRotate exists under Program Files and that you WebSite-folder point to the correct location. $TaskName = "LogRotate W3SVC$($WebSite.id)" $TaskDescription = "Archives old logfiles for site $($SiteName)" $TaskActionCommand = "C:\Program Files\LogRotate\LogRotator.App.exe" $TaskArguments = "C:\WebSite\Logs\W3SVC$($WebSite.id) C:\WebSite\Logs\Backup W3SVC$($WebSite.id) *.log 31 true" $TaskPath = "LogRotate" $PsHost = host $OsVer = [environment]::OSVersion.Version If(($OsVer.Major -ge 6) -and ($OsVer.Minor -ge 2) -and ($PsHost.Version.Major -ge 4)) { Import-Module ScheduledTasks $TaskAction = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute $TaskActionCommand -Argument $TaskArguments $TaskTrigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Daily -AT "05:00" $Task = New-ScheduledTask -Action $TaskAction -Trigger $TaskTrigger -Description $TaskDescription Register-ScheduledTask $TaskName -InputObject $Task -TaskPath $TaskPath } Else { "You need a PowerShell 4 and Windows Server 2012 to create Scheduled Task!" "You'll need to configure LogRotate manually." }
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